Monday, September 20, 2010

McHardy... Picture Perfect!!!

It's slightly depressing to look at honeymoon pictures of ourselves all tan and happy now that school is back in session and work is full-time (and then some). So we decided it was high time to post something new. Plus, we want to show off some of our "artistic flair"...

A few weeks ago, I (Rachel) had the idea to take pictures of things that spelled out our last name (McHardy). Hence, the seemingly random pictures. The pictures now sit on the wall in our living room in brown frames purchased from Bed, Bath, & Beyond (courtesy of a wedding gift card or two... or three...)

We are quite proud of this accomplishment, as it only took a few hours one evening to complete; and besides, we needed SOMETHING to spice up our apartment, and painting the walls didn't seem reasonable considering our impending move to (__insert Rory's grad school here__).



  1. The About Us is clever. The photos are equally crafty. I'd like to make prints for Grandma & Grandpa...dropbox?

  2. Such a cute idea. Would it be totally tacky if I tried to do the same thing?

  3. Ummm... well.... that may or may not be what we're planning to do for you at Christmas. Maybe. So, don't do it.

  4. Well, since I'm not on your Christmas list, do you mind if I try doing the same thing? I absolutely love it! Very creative and cool! And Scottie, I'm glad you're looking into copies for the folks. I'm sad I have a different last name now so I can't just ask for copies too. :)

    Speaking of names, it's so odd to me that there are now three more Sister McHardy's in this world. It took me a long time to adjust to Linda, Lynnette and Lorri taking "my" name, but now it will just continue to have more and more. Though if I know Rachel, or rather any young mom's, it'll be awhile before you'd actually get used to the idea of "sister" McHardy. And I get to spell Robison - with no N in the middle - several times a day.

  5. You are more than welcome to try it, it was a lot of fun. I was surprised that I had a pretty good eye for it - I thought I would be terrible!

  6. I just read about this and Im going to make Keith do it with me! You guys were really creative! Hope we can do just as good....Hope you guys are doing well! Rachel if you don't know us (Keith and Ashley) we use to live in Rory's ward!


Thanks for stopping by for a little R & R