and I wanted to cry the day we came back. (Be advised: the following contains images of a highly enjoyable vacation. If you do not wish to see others warm and happy, do not continue reading.)
A really bad picture of the really darling beach house Rory's parents rented for Thanksgiving.
The McHardy family. I think my favorite thing about this picture is that Rory looks like he's wearing a headdress. And for that reason, I shall never be able to take this picture seriously.
I like this picture- motion blur and all.
These are Rory's legs- not mine. Just wanted to get that out there. Also, this was only Rory's second trip to the beach in his entire life. ENTIRE LIFE, people!!!
One (of the many) highlights for me was when Rory and I took the beach cruisers out. I want one. Though somehow I don't think riding along the icy potholes of Orem will have the same therapeutic effect as riding along the beach...
Action shot!
This is Carson. Carson is two and I love him. Carson (pointing to a treat): "I want one."
Paul: "You'll have to ask your mom."
Carson (persistently): "Please, can I have one?"
Paul: "Sorry, bud- you have to ask your mom."
Carson: "... I want to ask Rachel."
So nice to get out and play!
6o degrees in NOVEMBER!!!
And that is why I wanted to cry the day we came back.
I miss you. come visit san francisco next time...